File No: Shopping-King-Louis-EP-06

Appearing before the dramacourt: Shopping King Louis EP 06

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  1. Whether the contract Louis wrote on the rooftop is valid?
  2. Whether it’s possible not to lose your mind when you live with a couch potato?
  3. Whether ‘Pas’-couture should become a thing?

The Rule(s):

  1. Yes it is valid.
  2. Apparently it is possible. But only if you are Bok-Sil.
  3. Absolutely. Especially when the wearer is Seo In Guk.


RedRosette J: I really liked this episode. It was funny and cute and the plot actually got somewhere. I don’t really have much criticism today because I spent much of the time laughing, which means that the show lived up to its comedic promise and delivered (Either that or I might have been super tired when I watched it LOL). I love that this show does a gender role reversal so effortlessly and it’s so well portrayed. I thought that there were all sorts of revelations in the beginning of this episode, the middle slowed down a bit enough to show us Louis’ growth as a character and then picked up again at the end. The ending which btw I was not expecting. At all. I mean we knew that there was a serial killer lurking around but wow. Or was it the speed dial assassin? I feel like I should go re-watch that part….

Cuteness overload!
So adorbs!

Issue 1: Whether the contract Louis wrote on the rooftop is valid?

RedRosette J: The contract that Louis haphazardly wrote on Bok-Sil’s rooftop between Oska and himself is legit. There were the explicit terms that were offered (Louis goes to live at Oska’s and Oska buys Bok-Sil a fridge and a washing machine), both parties accepted the offer and proceeded to have written documentation of it. They also each signed the document. Most of all, there was consideration for the contract. Louis lives at Oska’s while Oska bought Bok-Sil a fridge and a washing machine. (I don’t think that Louis’ spelling issues would factor into the contract much. Everyone seems to have such a problem with his inability to spell. Relax. There’s spell check on everything these days) The only problem with this was when Louis reneged on the deal. He simply wrote a note that he was leaving and for Oska to do whatever, which is fine. It’s a comedy drama and no one gives a crap about that (myself included). In the event that this wasn’t a comedy, then Louis definitely breached the contract by violating his terms (to live with Oska) and Oska would then have some sort of legal recourse for breach of contract. Then you’d get into determining whether Louis violated a condition, warranty, or intermediate term of the contract. Let’s not go there since this isn’t law class.

Again, because this a comedy, and because Louis is impossible to hate or be mad at, all will be forgiven. But yea, as far as this show is concerned, that was a valid contract!

The terms of the offer
Signed & legally bound!

Also, ajummas seem to be better advocates than actual lawyers LOL!

This is what a real advocate looks like.

Aside: Can we talk about Oska’s hideous bow-tie blue pantsuit outfit? What the hell is that? Is there no decent stylist? Or is this actually meant to convey some meaning to the viewers? 

Is this guy’s stylist a blind Sunday school teacher?

Issue 2: Whether it’s possible not to lose your mind when you live with a couch potato?

RedRosette J: It is very possible to go crazy mad when you live with a couch potato. Unless you’re Bok-Sil (who seems to have an unreasonable amount of patience written into her character). Oska’s reactions whenever Louis kept ordering him around and demanding things is pretty freaking accurate (That whole rage boil over effect was amazing! This drama is spectacular with side-effects). I loved it when he got so mad about Louis not eating the seeds and proceeded to complain and grumble about it while he de-seeded the thing LOL!

The real couch potato
The Rage-O-Meter
Full on rager!

I can easily see how living with a couch potato can drive someone crazy, it requires so much patience and calm to be able to deal with that. Personally, I can’t deal with that and neither apparently, could Oska. But hey, props to Bok-Sil. But then again, when your couch potato looks like Seo In Guk, I guess that’s enough to for you to seriously develop some patience (which I think is where Bok-Sil is at!). I’d take him walking around in a towel as compromise for not doing anything else.

Hubba Hubba
No one is complaining about this.

Aside: How funny was it that Oska’s mom walked in on him sleeping in Oska’s bed. That was priceless! 

Mom will never be the same again…

Sidebar: I think that this episode really served to show Louis’ growth as a character and his experience of what it was like to do a ‘real’ job. He needed someone like Oska to really kick him in the butt and force him into it (because no one from his old life would even think about doing that). This will just make him into a well-rounded character as the show progresses on.

Work work work work
That’s right Louis-ya, the real world is a bitch!

Issue 3: Whether ‘Pas’-couture should become a thing?

RedRosette J: This was so beyond funny I couldn’t stop laughing. The background score simply added to the hilarity. I vote Yes. Let’s make Pas-couture a thing. Especially when Seo In Guk is the wearer. (OMG this guy looks so cute covered in freaking Pas patches. Seriously how is this even possible?) The show really milked the Pas jokes as much as it could including the world’s worst back wax! This was just an excuse to show off his hot bod. I am not complaining. Not even a little bit. Thank you drama gods.

Pas man
❤ ❤ ❤

But in all seriousness, can we have more shows with hot guys running around wearing nothing but Pas and shorts? Please and thank you.

Aside: Shippers dreams coming true guys. These two are happening!!! 

This is happening people.


Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (Especially you Seo In Guk because you’re cute!)

6 thoughts on “File No: Shopping-King-Louis-EP-06

  1. This sound like a fun drama, maybe I should consider watching it since I just marathoned Squad 38 and I Remember You. And SIG was awesome in those drama ❤ That not to say, those drama were amazing too. Perhaps you can do a special case on those drama if you have spare time in future 🙂
    That Pas fashion tho :'D is this a CF PPl for pas?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was actually just thinking about dramas that we could do a Special File on. I Remember You is a strong contender. I’ll keep it in mind.
      The dramas these days, PPLs galore, what with subway, ramen and now Pas? Wow. The “creativity” is endless lol!


      1. Im soo looking forward to IRY special case, that drama was amazing with all the psycho stuffs, the bromance, romance and strong female lead. So sad that it didn’t do well in term of rating, perhaps because it was broadcasted on the national channel instead of cable. Because those types of drama tend do to super well on cable channel like OCN. I want season 2 but I don’t think it’s possible given the rating TT.TT
        PPL amazes me, especially phone and coffee. Even the poorest person in Korean will have the latest model of Samsung phone with all the high-tech accessories. And important conversations are hold at coffee shops, like I don’t get the logic here, private convo should be held behind closed doors, no?
        It’s like they have to shove PPL in our face instead of incorporate it into the drama subtly with logic. That’s why saguek genre appeal to me a bit more, less in-your-face PPL

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I really do hope we get around to doing and IRY Special File, but it’s not likely to be anytime soon. Law school is keeping Jubiemon and I super busy lol!
        I don’t mind that there is PPL, just as long as it’s done tastefully and as a meaningful part of the story. Like the Pas stuff (if it is in fact PPL)


  2. I agree the ajummas did act as an advocate for Louis, but her underlying behavior was actually that of an ambulance chasing lawyer. She worked for two minutes and took 49.9% of the settlement. The settlement was for ₩2,003,000 ($1762) and she got ₩1,000,000 ($880) for her “advocacy”. The best part was that the car never even struck Louis, it just scared him.

    Liked by 1 person

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