File No: Shopping-King-Louis-EPs-08-And-09

Appearing before the dramacourt: Shopping King Louis Eps 08 and 09

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  1. Whether Kiss Curl should be in the running for Most Awesome Side Character of the Year?
  2. Whether Butler-Housekeeper investigation squads should be a thing?
  3. Whether lightsabers and instant coffee should be allowed as murder solving apparatus?
  4. Whether spontaneous beach trips should involve cotton candy and throwing shoes in the sea?
  5. Whether the best way to communicate with your girlfriend when you’re being held hostage by your chaebol grandma is through an online shopping mall user ID?
  6. Whether declarations of love should involve long-ass red carpets and orange roses?

The Rule(s):

  1. Absolutely.
  2. Definitely.
  3. Yes but only when handled by the Louis of the world.
  4. OMG Yes. Please. And preferably also including cute dancing to a retro pop song.
  5. Yes. The most creative use of the internet. Ever. Period.
  6. Hell Yes. *spontaneously combusts from all the cuteness*


RedRosette J:  Guys I wasn’t really going to continue reviewing this show because of all my school stuff. Our admin posted a notice and everything, but then my class got cancelled and I suddenly had some time, so I decided to review it anyway. And I’m combining two episodes in one because of the time crunch. Sorryyy for all the inconsistency.

Okay but real talk though: how many people squealed like crazy during these two episodes? Because that is ALL I did. The entire time. OMG. The cuteness was so real, so everywhere, and just so so…I have no words. I can’t even. *takes a minute to breathe* I have also just completely given up on following the plot and looking for plot holes. I don’t even care anymore. I’m just watching for Seo In Guk and the unfathomable amount of cute the guy has.

Being serious…
So much feels

RedRosette J Aside: I should probably also mention that the cat is officially out of the bag and everyone knows who Louis is, thanks to some seriously competent police work. 

This is what competent police look like.

Issue 1: Whether Kiss Curl should be in the running for Most Awesome Side Character of the Year?

RedRosette J: OMG. THIS DUDE IS THE BEST THING EVER. I freakin’ love his nasty kiss curl and his totally underdog attitude. OMG. This is comedy gold people. For a character that has very very little screen time, his character is well developed and stands out amazingly amidst the other smaller, lighter characters. The episode ended and I still found myself laughing and thinking about Kiss Curl freaking out when Louis gave him 5 stars at the end of his part time gig. If a smaller character is making you think about them after the episode has ended, I think that the writer and the actor have done a successful job of communicating the character nuances to the viewers. I mean this guy is right up there with characters like Su Bong (W:Two Worlds; although he was more of a main-ish character), Kim Ki Bum (The cutie-patootie private from Descendants of the Sun) and Park Soo Kyung (the crazy french spouting drunk sister from Oh Hae Young Again) who are totally in the running for Most Awesome Side Character of the Year.  I officially nominate this guy! (Anybody gonna second that?)

This guy.

This is what winning looks like.

Issue 2: Whether Butler-Housekeeper investigation squads should be a thing?

RedRosette J:  So remember when we were all shipping these two together? Scratch that. These two need to have their own Butler-Housekeeper murder mystery solving investigation drama! They are so so funny on their quest to find Louis. I love that how no matter their best efforts, Louis, being so socially inept, was always a few steps ahead of them. That, and add in a bit of cyborg vision and awkward dream sequences and this has the makings of it’s own comedy masterpiece. I would tune in just for these two.

Investigation 101: Asking all the right questions.
Timeliness is key in investigation.
Cyborg vision.
Super awkward dream sequences.

Issue 3: Whether lightsabers and instant coffee should be allowed as murder solving apparatus?

RedRosette J:  I am not a fan of lightsabers or instant coffee, but oddly watching Louis make lightsaber coffee is the most hilarious thing ever. Even though it was a bit of a stretch that they solved this “murder” (or attempted rather) because of the footprint in the coffee, it was hilarious how everyone was so confused about how the powder got on the floor in the first place. Cut to Louis making coffee with a lightsaber tucked under his arm. OMG. I’m dying. This drama manages to make comedy out of everything. I love it so much. I have seriously never had such an appreciation for lightsabers before.

But yea, lightsabers and instant coffee should be handled with caution by regular people, but Louis of the world, go to town with that! Who knows, you might end up solving a murder! (again)

House brew: Instant Lightsaber

Issue 4: Whether spontaneous beach trips should involve cotton candy and throwing shoes in the sea?

RedRosette J: OMG. I can’t. Just when you think your brain can’t see anymore cuteness, the drama one-ups you and delivers a fresh dose of it! Spontaneous trips are the best! Spontaneous trips with cotton candy and playing in the water is even better! I love how Louis unapologetically tosses Bok-Sil’s shoes into the water when he hears that they’re from Oska. It’s refreshing to see the main character be so open about his feelings for once. I also love that him tossing the shoe into the sea barely registers with Bok-Sil. She’s way too caught up being lovey-dovey with him to even be upset about it. Again. Oska = irrelevant to this love story. (Why is he even here?) And OMG. The dancing. Please let there be more dancing. To a retro pop song. Best thing ever. *squeals*

Guys, please let’s pray to the drama Gods that we get more trips to beaches with cotton candy and 60’s dance tunes in dramas!

Freakin Cute!
The feels are real.

Issue 5: Whether the best way to communicate with your girlfriend when you’re being held hostage by your chaebol grandma is through an online shopping mall user ID?

RedRosette J:  User IDs have so much power and play a major role in communicating a message. I do really love love love that it was used in such an amazingly special and comedic way. Louis has no phone and no way to directly contact Bok-Sil except through the one thing that links them together: Shopping! Those were very creative and funny messages and it seemed like if you put the phrases all together, it would almost be sort of like a letter. I absolutely loved it. I also loved everyone’s reactions to it. I have nothing but praise. Also, this is some serious stealth. Other 21st century”forbidden-love” genre dramas need to learn something from this. This is how you communicate with the love of your life when you’re in a chaebol hostage situation. Take notes!

Yup. That’s being held hostage.

Issue 6: Whether declarations of love should involve long-ass red carpets and orange roses?

RedRosette J: I need a minute to compose myself before I continue. *takes a minute* OMG HOW AMAZING WAS THAT RED CARPET SCENE?!?!?!? I loved everything about it. OMG the part where he stretched his arms out and said “Come Here”?!?!? *more squealing* OMG OMG OMG. I need to make coherent words. Seriously. I love that she actually ran to him when he said that because that shows that she’s just as into him as he is into her. It’s so cute how they are both just in their own worlds and other people only get to peek into it. This was so evident when In Sung and Ajumma and the Butler and Housekeeper were watching them have their moment from afar. If I was to idealize a relationship, this is probably what it would be.

This is how you make a declaration of love people.

Either way, these two just set #relationshipgoals.


RedRosette J Sidebar: BTW these guys are also in the running to be Family of the Year.


Conclusion: Appeal Allowed

Rating: 5 = KYAH!!!❤ REPLAY. I’m in Love! (this was totally obvious from all the squealing)

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